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Kace Axel Plows Marcus Rivers

Kace Axel only got past his solo scene at first, but with the promise of more money on the table, he’s back and ready to find out what it’s like to be with a guy. And that lucky guy who gets to break Kace in is Marcus Rivers, who eases Kace into it nice and slow, kissing and touching him all over before pulling off Kace’s pants and sucking on his cock. Marcus teaches Kace by example, licking and sucking and deepthroating him before standing up on the bed and lining his own dick up with Kace’s mouth, who slowly wraps his lips around it. Marcus encourages him, giving pointers as Kace feels a dick fill up his mouth for the first time, sucking it until Marcus moves away to straddle him, lowering his ass onto Kace’s erect prick. Kace moans as his hard member splits Marcus’s ass open, stretching that tight hole as he fucks him raw reverse cowboy and then doggy style as Marcus takes that dick without complaint. Turning onto his back, Marcus gets pounded as Kace marvels at how tight that little hole is, getting balls deep in him until Marcus shoots his load and Kace pulls out moments later, his cum dripping onto Marcus’s cock as he pushes back inside for one last feel.


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