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The Last Ride Part 1 – Cade Maddox, Damian Night & Morgxn Thicke

In Cade Maddox’s saloon, the suds are cold, the guys are hot, and the mechanical bull is always running! Damian Night is first up, and he has a great run in his assless chaps. Morgxn Thicke is up next, and he has a surprise in store for the lucky watchers! After the show, the guys compare their tips in the dressing room, and Damian goes looking for Cade and one last ride. As Damian gets in the saddle, Cade presses a button to extend a dildo into his ass, then asks if he can give that hole a spin! Cade climbs up behind him to rim the gorgeous bottom and fuck him doggystyle, and Damian shows his riding skills as he bounces on that dick. Cade lays Damian on some bar stools, then gets him over a barrel till the bottom cums, and Cade unloads on his chest.


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