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Damian Night & Nick Floyd

Versatile Damian Night returns to top Nick Floyd and show him that no matter role he takes, he has seemingly endless supply of sexual energy. Damian and Nick get frisky and frolic in the pool, but they take things inside where there’s kissing and sensual body play. Once Nick starts sucking him though, Damian’s vocal and passionate take-charge top energy bubbles to the surface. After Damian face-fucks Nick and eats him out, he pounds his hole. taking only one detour to suck his cock. Damian goes to town fucking Nick in all kinds of ways, including mid-air before letting him ride his cock. Finally, Nick piston fucks Nick’s hole and partly breeds him AND he still takes charge jerking Nick to orgasm while he rides him. After they’re done it sounds like s this coupling could be habit-forming!


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