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Jaxon Valor & Ryder Flynn

Jaxon Valor and Ryder Flynn, two hot verse Chicago guys have been flirting online for a while and finally get together, making their debuts at Randy Blue in a flip-fuck! Their pent-up sexual energy ignites with passionate making out going non-stop and oral sex until Ryder takes it to the next level. He eats out Jaxon’s furry hole and finger fucks him into virtually begging to be fucked. Ryder gives it to Jaxon and doesn’t hold back pounding him until they mutually decide to flip. Just like that it’s Jaxon eating ass and drilling Ryder with the same dominant energy and he doesn’t stop until he shoots a big load Ryder’s hole and breeds him. Without missing a beat they flip again and Ryder takes charge again fucking Jaxon until he shoots too. Totally worth the wait and their fuck bud passion still remains.


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