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Incident 403: Gaped And Pillaged – Spikey Dee

Incident #403: Gaped And Pillaged: One of our dimmest residents has his hole gaped and pillaged by one of our big-dicked House Managers in this scene. This poor guy has very few functioning brain cells left due to his past bad habits, but at least he can act like he’s running for the world’s most ravenous slut in order to avoid any real consequences for his anti-social behavior. After all the sucking and fucking, this skinny little skater-type is left with a rain shower of fresh nut sprayed all over him. The manner in which this resident’s hole can gape, however, is the true spectacle here. It sure is nice to be a Manager on duty when this dolt is acting up!. Featuring: Spikey Dee and Pierce Paris.
