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Real Estate ‘Broker’ Part 1 – Alexander Muller & Gabriel Phoenix

It’s Open House day and Agent Alexander Muller is preparing to show the hottest new listing in town. It’s absolutely perfect, amazing design, great location but at a price tag of $1.5 million, it’s going to take a particular type of client to close this deal. In walks furry British stud Gabriel Phoenix who takes an immediate liking to both the house and the hunky Brazilian agent showing it off. A conditional offer could be near if Alexander is willing to be included with the close. In the cutthroat real estate market, you need to be willing to go the extra mile and Alexander hates to disappoint. Gabriel drops to his knees and gets the face fucking of his life from all 7.5 inches of Alexander’s thick uncut cock and then rolls over to offer up his furry peach of an ass for Alexander to devour. You simply can’t miss what follows next… be warned it might just make you want to sell your house.


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