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Sir Peter & Paddy O’Brian Flip-Fuck Part 1 – Spain In The Ass

A dip in the pool soon has Sir Peter and Paddy O’Brian’s soaking wet briefs clinging to their hard-ons as they embrace each other before a 100% raw flip-fuck. After exchanging blowjobs outdoors, the two head inside their gorgeous Spanish villa where an eager Sir Peter strokes Paddy’s cock from the back while spreading open his cheeks to rim his deliciously hairy hole. Paddy’s deep grunts fill the room as his ass is stretched to the limit by Sir Peter’s big girthy dick until he’s completely filled up. Moments away from swapping positions and getting fucked himself, Sir Peter continues to pump his bareback cock into Paddy as Paddy’s muscles glisten in the sunlight while his cock stays stiff as a brick. Read less
