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Rodrigo El Santo, Alexander Rajesh & Bastian Moreyra – The Spa’s Special Room

Rodrigo is loving his stay in the spa. Not only does he feel as relaxed as ever but he has also met Bastian, a handsome stud who shares his kinky taste in men. The two have been doing filthy stuff non-stop everywhere. The setting is perfect for them to indulge in their wildest fantasies, and the place is not crowded, so they get a lot of privacy whenever they feel in the mood. Yet, Bastian has been to the place many times before and knows that there’s a lot of raunchy stuff going on. One day, he decides to prepare a hot surprise for Rodrigo in the jacuzzi. When they arrive at the room, a young and sexy guy called Alexander is waiting for them. Bastian has been filling him in on all the fun that Rodrigo and him have been having together, and now, it’s time to invite him to join them and make the room even steamier…
