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Diary of a Sex Addict – Devin Franco & Mateo Fernandez

Devin Franco is horned up at the office and looking at porn. Instead of rubbing one out, he takes matters into his own hands and decides to go hunting for an apartment with real estate agent, Mateo Fernandez. While on the tour, Devin makes a move on the hunky agent and reaches out to touch his bulge. Mateo rolls with the advance and soon the two are locked in a kiss that quickly leads to Devin’s knees hitting the floor. Devin wraps his lips around Mateo’s massive, uncut cock and works it to the base, opening up his throat and getting both of their cocks hard. Devin is ready and bends over to let the agent open his ass with his tongue. When Mateo is convinced that Devin can handle his massive dick, he stands up behind his client and slides his meat deep inside. Pounding away on Devin’s hungry hole, Mateo grunts with each thrust as Devin’s hole gets used. Devin wants it even deeper and rolls onto his back to let Mateo finish up. Mateo pumps even harder and pulls out as his cum rolls from the tip of his throbbing cock, down his shaft, and into Devin’s open hole. With his ass filled with jizz, Devin lets loose and covers himself with cum.


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