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Harry Star & Luke Gaudi – Cum In, Make Yourself My Hole

It’s a rainy day in the city and Harry cannot find the bus stop to get a ride home. Suddenly, he notices a stranger calling him from a random house, telling him to come and wait inside. Wet and curious, Harry enters his kind stranger’s apartment and gets comfortable while looking for alternatives to get back home. His host strikes up a conversation with him and slowly reaches his hand towards Harry’s crotch. Harry politely rejects him as he is not really into other guys, but the stranger tries a different approach: maybe he can pay for Harry’s ride home if he dares to experiment a little bit with him. Curious to see where this goes and hoping to save a couple of bucks, Harry accepts and lets his handsome host grab his cock. The firm grip of his hand over his pink dick ignites Harry’s deepest and darkest fantasies. Willing to push his boundaries, Harry follows his host’s lead and ends up doing stuff with him he never thought he would do with another guy.


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