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Dakota Lovell & Eddie Patrick – Making Love With a Real Man

Dakota has a tense conversation over the phone with his girlfriend. She tells him that their relationship is not working because he has been avoiding her and is not completely honest with her. After a long discussion, she tells him it is over, leaving Dakota heartbroken. On the other side of his bedroom door, Eddie, Dakota’s loving stepdad, overhears the whole conversation and decides to intervene. He knows his stepson is hiding something from him as well, so he tries to make him feel comfortable enough to share his secret with him. Noticing Dakota’s sadness, Eddie gently suggests that maybe there was a reason Dakota was avoiding her. After a bit of prodding, Dakota gathers the courage and comes out to his caring stepdad. Eddie instantly makes him feel reassured and tells him that his first love should be with someone he loves. Stepdad and stepson share a tender kiss, making Dakota realize he can be himself with his stepdad. Now, it’s time for the boy to let his true feelings come out and let his stepdaddy show him what making love feels like.
