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Rob Quin & Papi Marcos – Take a Good Shot on Me

Rob arrives home from school to find his step-uncle Marcos working on the computer. He is an artistic photographer, always looking for concepts to push the boundaries of art. Lately, he has been working on a kinky project that is supposed to capture people’s wildest sides, but none of his models have revealed their true inner freaks in front of the camera for him. Curious, Rob asks his step-uncle if he can be his model. Marcos decides to give his step-nephew an opportunity and starts taking risque pictures of him. Rob definitely shows some attitude, but he is still too shy for the project, so Marcos asks him to take off his clothes and show him a little meat. Rob obeys and moons his step-uncle with his gorgeous bubble butt. Astonished by his step-nephew’s beautiful booty, Marcos decides to motivate his new model in a different way by eating his hole and seeing where things take them from there.
