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Time Warp Fuckers – Uncut with Paddy O’Brian, Charlie Cherry, Ruslan Angelo, Dean Young, Alex Ink, Nik Fros, Tom Storm & Eros Manos

When Alex Ink finds a mysterious package containing a futuristic helmet, he has no idea what it’s about to unleash. The artifact sends him two hundred years into the past, where he interrupts English gentleman Paddy O’Brian at afternoon tea… and gets topped by the Regency hunk! Next, the helmet finds its way to twink Dean Young, who gets transported into the Old West and has an adrenaline-fueled hookup with barkeep Charlie Cherry. Dean ends up stranded in the past when Charlie puts the helmet on before he can… Next, Eros Manos travels back thousands of years to pre-history and must use body language to communicate with the sexy caveman (Nik Fros) he meets there. Unlike the others, when Tom Storm puts on the helmet, it brings him into the far future, where Ruslan Angelo welcomes him with a fuck before the pair ensure the helmet can’t cause any more chaos.
