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Ready to Fly: Lead Flight Attendant – Adam Tyrant & Ricky Hard

Meet Ricky Hard – the Lead Flight Attendant for MAP Airlines Flight 069 with the destination to Las Vegas. At the crew lounge, Ricky waits for the all-clear to board the airplane when Adam Tyrant, Head of Airport Security, enters the lounge and notices the sexy flight attendant. He sits next to Ricky and asks where he is headed. When Ricky tells him he is headed to “Sin City,” Las Vegas. Adam jokingly responds: “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas! Right?” The horny flight attendant, whose cock is rock hard, admits he’s looking forward to emptying his blue balls when he lands there. But, before Adam allows Ricky to fly the friendly skies, he conducts a private security screening. In the Security Room, the security officer plays with the young stud with his baton stick before having his cock released from his pant fly to be jerked and blown. But in a game of power, Ricky bends Adam over, eats his ass, and shoves the baton stick inside his hole. Thinking of the long flight and being sexually aroused, Ricky needs to cum. He shoves his raw cock inside the fit officer next, fucking him hard until they both release their spunk.
