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Tate Shows Off

Tate’s super cute, outgoing, 18 years old, and ready to strip down and show off for everyone at CF! That’s the ideal combo! Tate’s eagerly outgoing in so many ways, really – he’s always looking for the opportunity to try new things and meet new people and that’s led him to join soccer leagues, volleyball leagues, play football growing up, and make his way to CF. When you spend a little time around Tate, you really get to see just how friendly and outgoing he is and it’s only a matter of minutes before you’re palling and joking around like longtime buddies. We’ve had a number of freshman 18 year olds join us at CF and more often than not they’ve been a bit shy at first and taken a little time to ease into things. That’s not been the case at all with Tate as he was instantly at ease, getting along with all of the other guys, and even quite excited about all of the fun new experiences he was in for! As you can imagine, we have a whole host of fun new experiences in mind for him and I think Tate’s going to have a blast with all of them!
