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Alfonso Osnaya & Joaquin Santana

Alfonso Osnaya returns and brings along Joaquín Santana for a hot flip-fuck as only “friends woth benefits” can do. Once their connection is explained, you’ll totally get their undeniable passionate chemistry. It’s there as they kiss and as Alfonso worships Joaquín’s body, his feet and hole before he lovingly goes down on him then fucks him, knowing exactly how to make it feel great. Alfonso plows Joaquín all over the sofa but he wants his turn, so after he gets sensuously sucked, Joaquín drills hard too. With proud smile on his face, Joaquín soon shoots a big load and breeds Alfonso and then flips him on his back and fucks him until he cums huge too. These “amigos con beneficios” couldn’t be happier. No wonder Alfonso tells Joaquín jokingly “Love you bro”.
