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Donnie Marco & Mitchell Jones

Hot diddly, these lads were chomping at the bit before we’d even turned on the cameras. Its spring, sap is rising and we know where it’s going – in and all over hot sexy Mitchell Jones. Mitchell might be a bottom but he’s a pushy one, always wriggling back for that extra thrust of raw, bareback dick, even when it’s a thick old caveman’s club like Donnie’s whopping weapon! These two strapping lads strip down on the sofa and get straight down to ‘the nasty’! Mitchell slurps on Donnie’s bulging boner and spreads his sexy, muscular thighs as Donnie bears down, squashing the breath from Mitchell’s moan of ecstasy. The lads fuck all over the place and we’re in close for every sweaty, spunky drop and every ripple of Mitchell’s twitching, aching soon-to-be-satisfied fuck hole. YUM!


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