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Ethan Wilder & Rob Banner

Its blonde and brunettes, both tanned, with ripped, overly hung and of course juicy, uncut dicks, we luv out foreskins ( we luv your foreskins!) Rob Banner is our dirty blonde ( Filthy!) and newcomer Ethan Wilder is our oversized, big dicked hot top, smoking’ hot!. Such handsome, toned, lean tanned young hunks and going at its real bareback-nasty! Ethan Wilder luved this scene, getting the chance to plough and seed Rob’s hungry, hot muscle-hole. They’re a horny pair and luv to show off, thats the cherry on their creamy cake, just knowing you guys at home are watching. We make sure we get in good and close to get every ripple of Rob’s fuck-tube and every steaming salty drop of Rob’s delicious jizz!


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