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Dirty Scout 189

I don’t like insurance companies as I used to work for one and I know how dirty this business can be. The boy that came to my office was exactly like one of my colleagues back in the days. Smooth talking and overconfident brat that would steal a coin from an old woman. Well, he was in luck because I had such a job open and the guy fit the requirements. Too bad his wallet was empty and our mediation fee had to be paid. I offered him my help but only because I wanted to go crazy on his ass. Assholes like him deserve a big dick. I was a bit disappointed by the boy’s attitude actually. He seemed to take it quite easily and certainly enjoyed it a bit. We had a nice fuck and then I let him go back to his wife. Maybe I judged the boy too harshly at first, he turned out to be a lovely slut in the end.


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