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Czech Hunter 437

This boy was a huge surprise. He was an 18 years old student of multimedia studies and he looked super innocent. Thanks to his school program, he was quite used to be in front of a camera. The guy wasn’t shy at all. We chatted a bit and then I gave him a first serious question to test the water. “What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done”?, I asked him. I expected some crazy stuff but certainly not a bisexual threesome during which he was fucked by a dude… It was just an one-time experiment, still it dropped my jaw a bit. He looked so innocent! When I took him inside, he proved beyond any doubt that he was a pretty filthy young man. His cock was hard for the better part of our little fuck session and the boy truly enjoyed my dick thrusting in his tight ass. Sweet teenage dudes are simply the best.


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