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Brandon Wilde & Max Duro – Nob Hill

Adam Killian has convinced his partner Leo Forte to throw one hell of a finale and the word is out – even European super-stud Max Euro heard about it and decides to change his plans so he can attend. As he tells his fuck buddy Brandon Wilde, he never misses a party or good piece of ass. Brandon takes a break from cleaning cocks on the Wall of Fame to sucking Max’s monster right there in the hallway. Brandon gags and spits on Max’s fat cock but it’s clear they both want it to go in Brandon’s tight pink hole. Brandon leans up against the wall so Max can lick his hole before Max picks him up and fucks him against the framed pics of the Nob Hill’s famous stars. All of that is just foreplay for Brandon who shoves Max on the ground and rides Max’s dick in a wild reverse cowboy until he blows his load. Max stands up and beats off into Brandon’s mouth – and the party is just getting started.


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