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Stepbrother’s Dirties – Aspen & Elye Black

When Elye Black catches step-brother Aspen jerking off in his room while sniffing his underwear, he has two choices: get mad or get even. Luckily for Aspen, Elye is the type of brother who could appreciate suddenly finding out there’s a secret cock pig in the house, and he tells Aspen to go ahead and get himself a sniff of the real thing as he pulls out his cock. Aspen can’t believe his fortune but he wastes no time hopping onto Elye’s dick and downing it in one swallow. He engulfs Elye’s cock, deep throating him as Elye pushes his head further and further down onto his shaft. Once Elye is nice and hard, he throws Aspen onto the bed and punishes his hole for sneaking around. To his credit, Aspen loves every inch of Elye’s payback, willingly taking every thrust as Elye fucks his way to justice. After fucking the cum out of him, Elye pulls out and empties himself onto his step-brother, who couldn’t fantasize a better brotherly bonding moment if he tried.


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