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Luca Deep Dicks Rowan

We’re just seeing all sorts of familiar faces coming back to CF, and this latest familiar face happens to be attached to a fairly stunning body and amazing ass – Rowan! Rowan was always tons of fun to see in action, and he knew how to have a good time and get in to some great sex. Above all else, he could take a hard pounding like a champ – he’s a handsome, buff stud who knows what he likes and what feels good, knows he enjoys getting fucked, has an ass that’s just made for dick, and he looks great during all of it! Once we knew he was going to come back to get in to some action for us, we knew we had to get him paired up with the biggest cock we could! That’s where Luca comes in! You’ll see here that Rowan doesn’t just get fucked like a champ – he has himself some oral skills as well! He uses those skills to get Luca’s big, thick cock primed and ready and it’s not long before Luca’s so horned up he can’t wait to bury that cock in Rowan, with Rowan likewise absolutely needing to feel it in his ass.


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