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Stiff Muscle – Alexander Garrett & Scott Riley

Scott Riley and Alexander Garrett are back in the locker room after their workout and Scott’s shoulder is bothering him. Alexander offers to help him my rubbing his shoulders and as he does, his massive cock gets aroused and rubs against Scott who is surprised and excited by it. Scott grabs it and starts stroking it inside his sweatpants before pulling it out and sucking it. He tries to deep throat all of Alexander, but struggles to do so. They get naked and Scott bends over and gives his ass to Alexander who rims him while rubbing his massive cock on the gym bench. Alexander then guides his big cock deep into Scott’s ass as he fucks him from behind. Alexander then sits in a chair and Scott rides his huge cock. Scott hem lies on his back and Alexander fucks him until he cannot hold back and he pulls out and then feeds his cum to Scott who eagerly sucks the last drops from Alexander’s huge cock. Scott then shoots his own load onto himself.


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