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Caught You! – Johnny Hill & Elye Black

While his roommate naps, Elye Black tries to secretly explore his anal fantasies with his giant secret dildo, but roomie Johnny Hill catches him in the act. Elye’s pretty embarrassed until Johnny tells him the only thing he should be embarrassed about is messing with a dildo when the real thing is right here in front of him. Johnny asks Elye if he wants some real dick and Elye’s grin answers for him. Johnny takes the lead and his experience pays off as he shows Elye how it’s done before giving him a taste. Once he’s nice and hard, Johnny gives Elye the dick he’s been missing all his life, fucking him until he’s squirted every last ounce of jizz he has inside him, before dousing him with his first load. Real dick… real cum… a real good time.


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