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New Boy Kai Gets It Good

Some guys arrive to start filming with us knowing exactly what they want, it might change over time but we like to start them off the way they prefer. For sexy new guy Kai it was all about a lad who can really fuck him. Of course we got on the phone to Leo-Rex, the aggressive looking horny guy we’d all love to submit to. No surprise he was down to show the new arrival a great time. I think it’s fair to say the inked hottie gave our sexy 21-year-old new dude a perfect welcome, sucking his stiff cock and feeding him his throbbing dick in return before cramming his slightly hairy hole with his fuckstick and giving Kai exactly what he wanted! Spooning, from behind and on his back too Kai gets a deep thrusting from that solid length, finishing off with a shared wank that has Leo-Rex splashing his new pal with a shower of cum and getting Kai splashing his abs with juice in mutual appreciation! I guess this means Kai will be back for more, and we can’t wait.


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