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Jack Finix & Dmitry Olsen

Pinch punch first of the month and lets bring on a brand new boy, Jack Finix makes his splattery, steamy, debut at uknakedmen with the very warm welcome for Dmitry Olsen, always good to see this sexy show off, showing it all off. These lads are stripping off for our heatwave, and they’re just adding to the soaring temperatures – yum, thats a couple of corkers. Jack is no slouch and though he’s new at this lark he’s very VERY keen and can’t wait to get to his knees in the grubby underpass and suckle that stalk to rigid, dripping attention. Dmitry can’t wait to take a raw throbbing length up his fuck-chute, he’s down on his knees presenting like a dog in heat, Jack doesn’t need asking twice and is slamming that cutie’s bareback hole for all he’s worth. Its a scorcher!


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