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Virgin Breeding – Justin Matthews & Jayden Smith

After spending the day together, it’s obvious Justin Matthews and Jayden Smith like each other, but when Jayden walks him back to his house, Justin is hesitant to invite him in. Jayden can sense Justin is just nervous, but convinces him to let him in. Once there, Justin’s nerves are palpable, and Jayden realizes he’ll have to take control. He grabs Justin and pulls him closer, and the two of them kiss for a long time as Jayden finally gets to run his hands up and down Justin’s chiseled body. Justin’s nerves begin to melt away and his fantasies are unleashed as Jayden shows him how everything is done. When he slides his slides his dick into Justin, it’s so tight that he can barely get it in, but he manages and Justin relaxes, spreading his legs and letting Jayden have his way. Jayden takes his time and fucks Justin good and long, before picking up the pace and beginning to pound him. Justin’s dick gets hard when the harder Jayden fucks him, and he loses his first nut as Jayden covers him with another… a perfect end to a perfect date.


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