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Chris Summers & Zack Love – The Highest Level

While dark-haired Chris Summers is out for a run, Zack Love is at home playing a video game. Chris returns, eager for some skin-to-skin contact but Zack is way too into gaming to fall prey to his boyfriend’s charms. But Chris is tenacious, if nothing else, and Zack eventually caves, taking great delight in the ass rimming Chris gives him. The handsome fucker eats ass as good as, if not better than a straight pussy hound! Then again, who wouldn’t want to tongue and lap Zack’s sweet hole with the same gusto? Eventually, Chris moves to Zack’s cock, treating him to a wet blowjob that all but makes Zack’s toes curl. Then he offers up his own cock for service. Zack works on Chris’s cock with the same focus and determination as when he’s gaming but soon ends up ass up in the air, legs spread, taking raw twink dick up his ass. It’s fun to watch Chris fuck Zack bareback but it’s even more fun to watch Zack fuck himself, riding Chris while jerking off. Chris fires off a good load, shooting long distance and bathing Zack, who comes all over himself soon after. Oh, the things we do for the guys we love!


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