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Ace Quinn & Benjamin Blue

In his first filmed scene for CockyBoys Ace Quinn welcomes back fellow French-Canadian Benjamin Blue who tells him he likes a take-control top and Ace goes for it. Passionate kissing leads Ace to strip dowan Ben, tease him through his briefs and seduce him with equally passionate cock-sucking. It isn’t long before Ace gets Benjamin on all fours to eat out the smooth hole offered up to him. Before going all the way Ace nudges Benjamin to ply him with kisses and hungry cocksucking. Ace takes it further with verbal commands and a little face-fucking and when pleased with Benjamin’s service he lets him sit on his cock. Benjamin rides him and takes his powerful thrusts which are so accurate Ace fucks a nearly hands-free load out of the vocal bottom that shoots like a rocket…and he keeps pounding him. Flipping Benjamin on his stomach Ace pounds him harder and deeper, twisting & turning him as he pleases before settling on drilling him on his back. Ace plows him relentlessly but passionately and his dick succeeds in pounding out a second thick load out of Benjamin! Soon after Ace pulls out just in time to shoot a big load that just keeps coming over Benjamin’s hole. And just like that the satisfied duo finish as they began…with sweet kisses


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