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Aidan Anthony & Ransom

Ransom, who had picked Aidan up from the hotel, were sitting waiting for the third model who just could not leave. The clock was ticking for Aidan’s return flight home. Aidan just flat out told Ransom he would rather fuck him. Ransom texted me and said he was down to be fucked. He’d just done an oral video earlier that week, and wished it had been a sex film. I said, “Let’s do it!” Ransom put the car in drive and they were soon at the studio showering and getting ready. And thankfully, they both were in to each other and shoot was a breeze. Ransom is a little out practice getting fucked, saying it had been since his last video with ChaosMen. Aidan goes nice and easy on him, but occasionally Ransom is whispering to him to slow down. At first, I thought he was hurting, but nope, he is trying to not cum! Since he was so close, Aidan’s cums first, juicing Ransom’s hole. I had to jump up really quick to catch Ransom as he started cumming as Aidan fucks him with his cum!


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