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Brian Michaels & Jacob Connar

Brian Michaels and Jacob Connar’s hands are all over each other as they kiss, their fingers reaching for the bulge in the other’s pants as they strip down and pull their clothes off. Jacob gives Brian head, on his knees with Brian’s cock down his throat as Brian gently strokes Jacob’s shoulder and head, watching him take that dick. But Brian has a taste for meat too and gets Jacob on the bed, capturing Jacob’s uncut prick between his lips and working that cock as Jacob moans deeply with each stroke of Brian’s expert tongue. When Brian’s had his fill of oral, his throbbing hard cock needs release and he finds that release in Jacob’s tight ass, pushing inside of him as his slick, fat cock fills Jacob up. His balls swinging back and forth as he fucks him, Brian drives his hard dick in and out, turning Jacob onto his back to fuck him like that. Brian holds Jacob down, one large hand splayed across Jacob’s chest and other holding his legs open as he jams that cock into Jacob’s hole while Jacob reaches down to stroke his own hard member until he’s cumming all over himself. Pulling out, Brian unloads his own jizz on Jacob and they both take a minute to catch their breath, their cum-covered dicks still sliding through their hands as they ride out the last of their pleasure.


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