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Demetrius first time sucked by another guy

Demetrius first time sucked by another guy video was not an easy video to make, first, after I discovered this young actor, it took me a while to convince him to step into BeefCakeHunter Land, and then I had to work a lot to put him comfortable and then in the “zone”. As you can see at the begging of the video, Beefcake Demetrius was very serious and nervous, to the point I thought he would walk away at any minute, fortunately that didn’t happen, but after some chat and a few jokes he still was nervous. After I took his pants off and worshipped his balls (a lot) he still not hard lol, you can tell this was Demetrius first time sucked by another guy. But the magic started happening little by little and when that was happening, I finally got Demetrius’ attention away from the pussy porn, I think he couldn’t believe he was getting an erection lol Beefcake Demetrius is such a cutie that I couldn’t care less how serious or distracted he was, actually that made me enjoy more the moments he was fighting to not look at my servicing his delicious cock and continue watching the pussy porn, one of the never-ending battles here at BCH Land. But then little by little Demetrius became more expressive and he even wanted to know if I was pleased with him, he also was asking me for some deep throat, too bad at the moment I was so into his cock that I didn’t understand what he was telling me until the moment I was editing this video. I knew that by the end I would have to use also my hands to get the nut out of him, my right hand was a little tired, but Demetrius demanded me to not stop until he cum. I did as his command, but I had to stop, and at that moment he cum!! wow! He really made me work that load! I hope you guys enjoy this video Demetrius first time sucked by another guy.


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