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Josh’s First Time with Travis (Remastered)

This episode’s release was a pretty epic moment in CF history! It was a remarkable First Time episode – mindblowingly hot, packed full of surprises, and showcasing two of our all-time most popular guys with Travis having established himself as a CF all-star by the time of this filming and Josh showing us all he had a future as a CF all-star. This already-epic episode is now remastered and available in full HD, with 2 minutes of additional action footage and 5 minutes of bonus behind-the-scenes footage – 7 extra minutes of never-before-seen footage! While the title of this video is “Josh’s First Time” and that is a pretty descriptive one seeing as it is indeed Josh’s first time with a guy, I could almost get away with the equally accurate and descriptive title, “Battle of the Boyishly Charming”, as these two are totally bursting with that charm. That title and description would cease to be the least bit accurate once the action here has begun, though, as the action here becomes some of the absolute hottest and most intense I’ve ever had the pleasure of capturing on camera. To say that the requests to see blond, ripped, young and hung Josh in some guy/guy action has been coming in pretty steadily would be a tremendous understatement. When he appeared in his initial solo here at ACM, people were immediately calling to see him do more. When he appeared in his first action video over on ACS, that inspired even more interest in seeing him take a step further with a guy. When he appeared in his second video over on ACS, I almost had to go into hiding because people were certain they’d never get to see him with a guy and they were not at all happy about that! I certainly wasn’t content to have that be the extent of things, either, despite how hot those vids were. I spent quite a fair amount of time talking to him about giving it a shot and seeing if he’d be interested in trying it out at all. Whereas at the outset he was only interested in girls and more than eager to stick to doing scenes with them only, I think he ended up intrigued not just by the money, but by the prospect of a new and interesting experience itself. Well, here he is and if there was ever anyone more suited to break Josh in and be his first all-male fuck, it’s Travis! Don’t let either of these guys innocent demeanors fool you – they are both horny and love sex and it shows here. I suspect we’ll have a few members that don’t make it past the early part of this video where Travis leans into kiss Josh. Seeing Josh kiss another guy for the first time was hot enough, but they also make the act so damn cute between the two of them in the way Josh is clearly nervous about it, yet goes along, and Travis is ever his shy and quiet self, while at the same time obviously interested in and having fun with being the first guy to do all these things with Josh. After the kissing and after Travis slowly undresses Josh and reveals more and more of his wonderfully ripped body, he gets down to sucking on Josh’s cock and getting it as big and as hard as we have long known it’s capable of getting! It wouldn’t be any other way with Travis, as he occasionally pauses to make some funny or cute comment while at the same time totally loving what he’s getting to do. Eventually, it’s time for these two to fuck and we know that taking on a big dick is something Travis is extremely good at. He’s got Josh fully warmed up, rock hard, and ready and then these guys have another funny, albeit quick, exchange once it comes time for Travis to lower himself on to Josh’s dick – and you know Travis could hardly wait for that moment! Seeing Travis’ cock bounce up and down – fully hard and straining – while he rides Josh’ big dick is a hot image for sure, but seeing Josh showing a bit of a smile and coming to the realization that it feels pretty good is also hot! Travis is the perfect guy to break someone into topping, as he takes command and totally fucks himself on Josh’s dick. Josh doesn’t have to do much but lay back and enjoy the sensations, and he definitely enjoys them! He can’t help but occasionally look down to see what it is that’s making him feel so good. Just how good did Josh’s dick feel in Travis’ ass? Just how great did Travis’ ass feel wrapped around Josh’s thick cock? Well, once Josh gets Travis bent over and starts fucking him from behind, things began working their way to something we’ve never seen before in all the hundreds upon hundreds of videos shot here at CF. With all the countless pairings and seemingly infinite number of times guys have gotten fucked here at CF, I’d thought I’d seen it all! But Josh and Travis had a surprise in store for me – and experienced something that was thoroughly surprising for both of them, as well! While bent over the bed, getting drilled by Josh’s big dick and moaning and groaning like wild, begging Josh to fuck him harder and blurting out “Oh my God!” over and over, Travis’ cock is is so totally rock hard and Josh’s dick is hitting all the right spots that Travis ends up blasting off what could be the biggest load I’ve ever seen him shoot – hands free and without touching himself!! I’m sorry but I can’t imagine I’ll get to say this much and have never gotten to say it before so… Hands free and without even touching himself!! He is completely and totally on cloud nine and looks like he could pass out at any second as he cums buckets, his load spraying all over the place as Josh fucks it out of him. Could you blame Josh for having to fire off his own massive load immediately thereafter? Despite being totally overwhelmed by what just happened, Travis still eagerly whips himself around to place his mouth in front of Josh’s dick the instant Josh pulls out and blasts his load into Travis’ mouth, down his throat, and across his face. We know Josh can cum a ton and shoot far, and Travis couldn’t have been happier with that! I can only imagine just how great that fuck felt for Travis, and what a huge impression it must have made upon Josh to see that his actions and dick could do that to another guy! Thankfully, I know longer have to imagine what it’s like to film as we captured CF’s first ever hands free cumshot!


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