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Pounding My Meat – Asher Devin & Liam Greer

Liam Greer can barely hear himself think from all the racket going on in the next room, but when he investigates and discovers that the sound is coming from Asher Devin pounding his cock against one of the moving boxes for pleasure, he thinks his senses are betraying him. For one thing, he can’t believe someone’s dick could make so much noise- that is- until he sees just how big Asher’s cock really is, and then he suddenly can’t believe his own eyes. Lucky for him, Asher is in the mood to give him a much closer look, so Liam helps himself to the feast of a cock in front of him. Asher’s already rock hard and ready to pound Liam into submission, but he has to ease it in first, patiently, because Liam can barely take it all. No stranger to a tentative partner, Asher glides it in slowly until Liam is used to such a big cock filling up his hole, and once he’s confident, he gives Asher the go ahead to pound away. That’s all the green light Asher needs, as he proceeds to fuck Liam like he’s never been fucked before. Suddenly it’s Liam making all the noise as Asher fucks the cum out of him before drenching him with his own load, coating Liam in the noisiest cumbath he’s every received.


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