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Uriel Simon & Dylan Segundo – Where No One Can See Us

Dylan is having a lousy and boring day driving people around when young and handsome Dylan picks up a ride with him. The sweet twink lives in a small village away from the city and is heading downtown, looking for a little fun away from his calm town. Uriel immediately spots his passenger’s naughty side and starts asking him about the area, wondering if it is true that guys love to hang out there to do some seriously nasty stuff. Dylan is no stranger to the town’s gossip and has heard about people getting kinky nearby, where no one can see them. After a couple of rubs, the two guys find themselves kissing and sucking each other, testing how far they can get without getting caught. Horned up by the solitude of a forsaken town, the two men end up having a raw fuck sesh with a delicious cum-tasting finale.
