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Dave Rides Mason

If you like watching big-dicked young studs like Dave getting railed and loving every single bit of it, you’ll not want to miss this one! Dave is in stellar form here as he gets his hole drilled, and this hot episode is the latest showcase in just how much he loves sex. We’ve enjoyed watching him fuck and get fucked, and he never loses any of his enthusiasm or energy! If foot play is your thing, you’ll also not want to miss this episode! Dave and Mason take it to a new level here, and have themselves a blast doing it. If anyone ever doubted that Mason’s an awesome top, he could cast those doubts out by showing them this episode – Mason’s cock drives Dave from the instant he slides it in to Dave’s hole, to the moment he then paints Dave’s hole with his load. Dave finds himself getting fucked here in a way I think he didn’t expect, but also in a way I’m certain he did not mind!


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