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Mason is becoming a pro

Mason is becoming a pro already in this second anal encounter at the improvised BCH arena, and I couldn’t be any happier! That morning, this sexy young biker and plumber arrived an hour later to shoot; he got caught in a big traffic jam and showed up with tape on one of his fingers. It was an unfortunate accident at work, but I love how Mason takes things in life, always on the bright side and with a sexy smile. Part of the initial conversation also was how much he enjoyed his first anal experience at BeefCakeHunter Land when he decided to propose anal sex to his ex-girlfriend later that night, and the outcome was terrific; I especially love how vividly he described the experience. At this pace, Mason is becoming a pro… After having his lower body fully naked, I worshipped his legs, and for those Feet Hunters, you will feast on a lot of visuals of Mason’s feet in this scene. Then, of course, I moved to his balls to get things going, and in a few minutes, I was already sucking and deep-throating him while we enjoyed his sexy soft moaning; I got him so much into the zone that he declared that his cock was “all mine,” wow, I was in BCH Heaven! It was riding time, and I started in reverse cowgirl mode, which I believe was the right decision; you can tell that Mason loves ass; I also noticed, once again, how dominant and energetic he could be in bed…yummy! Then I turned around to face him while I rode him some more; in that position, we fuck in two ways, and for me was the highest point of the penetration part of this video. After that rough penetration, I laid down on my stomach to be even more submitted to this young bull! That part was shorter; I was already a little sore, lol. Then I sucked him some more until I made him cum a big load that flew all over the place. After that, we chatted and laughed again. I hope you guys enjoy this video Mason is becoming a pro.
