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Recommended – Drew Sebastian & Jake Morgan

Super hung and tattooed Drew Sebastian is playing the typical gay curious hunk to Jake Morgan’s, “I’ve only played around with guys a few times.” Neither has a place to go, but they end up in that secluded spot, the one an anonymous benefactor allows others to use when they need to get off on the down-low. Drew whips out that enormous, curved monster cock, followed by Jake, but Drew is the one who drops first. On his knees, he devours Jake’s cock. He takes almost all of it before presenting his own thick, throbbing tool for Jake to service. He chokes, especially when Drew fucks his face, but Jake enjoys a challenge. It takes Drew a couple of tries, but he eventually pops the head of his cock inside Jake and pushes deep. Once Jake has taken it all, Drew works that ass as if his life depended on it. He takes Jake on all fours, then flips the bottom onto his back. And after a hard, deep bareback pounding, Drew fucks the cum out of Jake, spews an enormous load himself, and seeds Jake’s sloppy hole.


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