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Ethan Chase & Angel Santana

Ethan Chase knew he could get whatever he wanted as soon as he saw sexy and hung Angel Santana. And he was right. Meeting at the bar was only the beginning of the fun Ethan and Chase would have once they got to Ethan’s house. After kissing, Angel got right down to business sucking on Ethan’s big cock. He devoured the huge piece of meat like it was his last meal before giving Ethan a crack at his deep hole. Ethan’s tongue was the perfect warm-up for the fucking they both needed. Sliding into Angel’s hole felt as good as Ethan had imagined. He was happy to use it and Angel wasn’t going to tell him no. Riding Ethan’s cock then gave way to being a good bottom as Ethan wrecked Angel’s ass until cum spewed from both their cocks.
