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Czech Hunter 506

This young man was amazing. It all started as usual… just a typical bored out guy I met on the street and tricked him with my survey bullshit. He got a bit suspicious when I asked him to show me his cock. 2 000 Crowns made everything fine again, what a surprise… The guy looked quite cute and was greedy as hell. I was pretty sure he’ll let me fuck his virgin ass. We went to his place and there the crazy shit started. This dude was so into me! I couldn’t believe how passionately he played with my whole body. It’s been a while since I had such a horny slut. Of course, he let me fuck his tight ass. You should see how much fun he had with my cock stuffed balls deep in is rear end. I kept pounding the guy until he cummed because of my cock ramming into his prostate. Trust me, he will call me again.


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