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Czech Hunter 767

I got a call from one of the guys I fucked before. He met a cute guy in a club and wanted to get us acquainted. Because he needed money, of course. I agreed and definitely didn’t regret the decision. This dude was from Portugal, and he knew how to party. He was in Prague for a trip and threw away all his money in clubs. Now he needed my help to buy a plane ticket home. Well, the guy looked great, so I invited them both to my place. The cutie was just adorable and willing to do anything as long as I paid him. I really enjoyed touching his hot body and stroking his dong. He was amazing with his mouth and the ass was even better. It swallowed my cock up to the balls with ease. I fucked him very hard, and the guy loved it. He moaned and begged for more. There was cum everywhere when we finished.
