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Workout – Lukas Stone & Dallas Steele

Lukas is an impressive young man… He’s lean and fit with a self-starter attitude, not to mention a handsome face and seductive eyes! For Dallas, he sees a lot of his younger self in him. And when Lukas came to Steele looking for some training advice, he couldn’t say no. After all, Lukas was friendly with several of the silver foxes other “clients”, giving him the impression that he wanted a different kind of pump… As the two got into their workout attire, Lukas watched the handsome man change from his dapper suit and tie into his clingy tank top and shorts. The tall man was built like a brick wall, firm and solid all the way through. And with his impressive height, he looked like a Titan! Lukas knew that Steele was a hot daddy, but it still sent a surge toward his loins to see how ripped and massive he was. The two began with simple pushups and situps, getting their blood flowing and working up a sweat. Lukas could smell the man’s natural fragrance, making it harder for him to conceal his own building erection in his jockstrap. When Lukas was told to get on the big man’s back and do push ups off of him, it was almost too much for him to handle!


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