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Austin Avery & Dillon Diaz – Take Me To Gripland

Crew member Austin Avery is scouting around the studio for new spots to shoot a scene with director Dillon Diaz. When they find what they’re looking for, they start to mimic what will happen in the scene to make sure it will work. The rehearsal quickly turns into the real deal when Austin ends up on his knees sucking Dillon’s fat cock. After the slurping, Dillon returns the favor, licking every inch of Austin’s cock, balls and hole. Dillon slides his fingers in and out of Austin before gliding his raw cock deep into the crew hands ass. Now starring in the scene, Austin takes an intense bareback fuck in multiple positions before ending up on his back. As the director beats on Austin’s prostate with his cock, Austin strokes his dick until a hefty load covers his abs. Seeing Austin covered in jizz makes Dillon ready to shoot his own cum shot as he adds his cream to the sticky mix.


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