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A Happy Bottom Birthday Boy – Adam Awbride & Dillon Diaz

It’s Adam Awbride’s Birthday but he fears that no one remembers. His longtime BF, Dillon Diaz, has invited him over but with no mention of it but as they have only been seeing each other for a while he is not hugely disappointed. But when he arrives, Dillon asks Adam to put on a blindfold for a surprise and leads him into his home. Blindfold off and Adam sees that Dillon has prepared a wonderful Birthday cake for him with candles which of course he blows out with a wish. But Dillon has another kind of cake on his mind and maneuvers Adam around to bend him over the counter a bit and drops Adam’s pants down to lick his delicious bottom. Adam finds this birthday treat even better and loses himself into the moment which is soon followed by Dillon’s cock. Before long the cake is pushed out of the way and the countertop taken over with their love making as Adam gleefully rides Dillons cock only to be soon covered by Dillon’s Famous homemade frosting. But it’s Adam’s gusher of a cum load that shows his love for Dillon in the end.


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