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Streaming & Stroking – Ty Santana & Bentley Layne

Bentley Layne has been invited over for a bit of Streaming and Stroking by this hot guy he has been lusting for since college. Ty Santana is a very cool dude with a nice place to host and seduce Bentley to be one of his regular bits of booty. Bentley knows what he is in for and is all for it, he remembers seeing Ty’s huge cock in the showers at the gym and has been hoping to get some of that for a long time. They both take but a minute to get relaxed and quickly the cocks come out and the stroking begins. Ty’s huge cock draws Bentley in and he quickly crawls over to suck that huge piece. But it’s Ty’s tongue that opens up Bentley’s hole and gets him ready to fuck that huge cock he has been thinking of. Taking his time sliding on into that hole Ty takes control of the pace from then on pounding Bentley in the way he had only imagined. Bentley is happy to please the cock that is taking his breath away and finally on his back his cum overtakes him followed by a huge blast from Ty all over his chest.
