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Bucky Wright Gets Sensual Rub Down By Derek Kage

Bucky Wright has heard about this massage spot from his friend and he hears they take the happy ending to a whole new level. Pretty nervous and already pretty hard, Bucky is greeted by the terribly handsome Derek Kage who assures Bucky that all his needs and kinks will be thoroughly worked out. Entranced by this unusually good looking masseur, Bucky nervously starts to undress but is unable to hide his obvious excitement and erection. Derek starts giving him a very sensual rub down and does not waste too much time before flipping him over to stroke Bucky’s turgid cock followed by a deep sigh from Bucky. Happy ending hell, this salon gives a happy fucking which is what Derek dishes out next. But Bucky is packing a fat cock too so Derek takes a turn bouncing on that thick one. But they take turns fucking huge loads out of each other with Derek asking when will Bucky’s next appointment be?
