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Anal Fuck In The Parking Lot – Micah Martinez, Ray Diesel & Nicholas Ryder

Nicholas Ryder is a horny little slut who happens to be employed as a Valet right now. The job leaves him with a little too much free time that he spends with his hands, around his cock that is. IF it’s right there in the garage playing pocket pool at the counter or when its slow or in one of the more expensive cars of one of the hot drivers to go jack off into. This is where we find Nicholas but Ray Diesel and Micah Martinez are out on Patrol. They catch a glimpse of the perpetrator through the back window and then approach at the same time. Nicholas was scared out of his wits. But Ray and Micah won’t let him take up his pants and enjoy keeping him Vulnerable. Micah and Ray are all about having some of their own fun with him now and quickly get that mouth busy on some double boner action followed by fucking him right through the car door window. Micah has the big brain though and brings over the waiting bench to fuck on and quickly they further spread Nicholas’s hole. They wait just long enough to get their fill and then make sure Nicholas gets back to work.


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