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Nicholas Ryder & Caden Dior – Packing Meat in Your Cavity

Caden thinks he can play dumb and get away with shoplifting, but Officer Ryder is onto him. He has footage of the young twink taking away stuff from the store and he is going to make him pay for it in the nastiest way possible. Caden argues that it is all a big misunderstanding, but cameras don’t lie and the security guard is threatening to involve the police. To make matters worse, Officer Nicholas’ style when dealing with perps can be aggressive: he prefers to strip-search thieves himself and inspect their kinky cavities, if necessary, all for the sake of asserting his authority. But it’s all part of his plan, as he knows that Caden is now afraid as fuck and would do anything to leave this incident in the past. With that idea in mind, Nicholas will make him an offer he cannot refuse, and Caden will have to take it like a man.
