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Adam Ramzi, Fernando Paradise – Cum Grafitti

Fernando, A mall graffiti artist, is caught spray-painting on the mall’s premises, prompting security guard Ramzi to bring him to his office for questioning. Fernando has two strikes already, but he couldn’t care less about the consequences, so Officer Ramzi decides to take on a different approach with him. If he loves spray-painting his opinions over private property, then won’t mind if the officer labels him as his fuck toy and takes some pictures to humiliate him. Fernando keeps his face straight while Adam takes photos of him, secretly enjoying the power struggle with the hot security guard. Adam soon realizes that Fernando likes tough discipline, so he pulls out his cock and presses it against the perp’s dick. The sexual tension is finally released as Adam kisses the boy passionately and forces him to suck his dick to show him what happens when you don’t play by the rules.
